Trinifest 2025
Trinifest 2025
TRINIFEST 2025: A Cultural Extravaganza
TRINIFEST is a biennial cultural festival organized and hosted by Trinitate International School, Greater Port Harcourt City, Rivers State.
However, the 2025 season (season 4) took a slightly different twist and turn: Trinitate Group of Schools (Trinitate Metropolitan Campus, Ada George, Trinitate Day Secondary, Igwuruta, and the Mother school, Trinitate Boarding) converged at the boarding campus on February 15, 2025, for a joint hosting of the cultural fiesta, which came with an irresistible mix of glamour and glitz.
The students exquisitely showcased the cultural peculiarities of the different regions of Africa through their apparel, drama, dances, and songs.
At a deeper level, the event provided a platform for the students to learn outside the classroom.
In addition to the school’s students and parents, the event also included the Paramount Ruler of Umueke (Igwuruta), his cabinet members, and representatives of the Rivers State Ministry of Arts and Culture.
The experience will leave an indelible imprint on the memory of every student